Getting Your Bedroom Ready For Summer

Getting Your Bedroom Ready For Summer

For most of us, the bedroom is our sanctuary and a good night’s rest is all about putting comfort and coziness first. With the summer weather rolling in, there are a few things we can do to get our sleeping spaces ready for the new season. From decor and bedding to where we place our furniture, here are a few things we can do to embrace the hot summer nights upon us.


Keep things cool and switch your sheets

It’s scientifically proven that we actually sleep better in cooler temperatures, so when the summer arrives, ditch those heavy duvets and thermal sheets. No one likes waking up sweaty, so opt for more lightweight and breathable bedding that’s sure to keep you cool. You’ll not only sleep better, but you’ll wake up feeling more refreshed.


Go bright or go home

Retire dark and moody colours and energize your space with light and airy shades and materials. Whites, blushes and pastels are a sure way to bring brightness into your bedroom. The good news: you don’t need to paint to achieve this! Start by swapping out your curtains for something lighter to bring in more sunlight, or replace any blankets, accent pillows and accessories that match this new colour scheme


Less is more

During the winter months, we often accumulate clutter and things like jackets, scarves and winter coats tend to pile up. Head in feet first and figure out what you can get rid of and put into storage. If you have a dresser, desk or night tables, clear these surfaces and eliminate any items that no longer serve a purpose. Decluttering the bedroom is also linked to improving sleep and cultivating a stress-free environment, which is all the more reason to get started.


Say hello to Mother Nature

Enrich your space with natural elements like house plants, florals or fresh scents. Golden pothos, aloe vera and orchids are ideal plants for the bedroom as they promote sleep, filter the air and release oxygen. Another great idea is to run your diffuser with essential oils like geranium, lavender and clary sage. This will create an atmosphere that’s refreshing, relaxing and full of energy.


Don’t be afraid to move things around

Achieve a new look for summer that’s easy on the wallet. By moving a few things around, you can optimize your space for summer in just a few steps. You’d be surprised how different things can look with a few pushes and shoves. If your space allows, move your bed closer to a nearby window to soak in more sunlight and let the breeze in while you sleep. This might also be a good time to reassess your space to see what can be removed to open up the room and possibly bring something new in.


With all of this extra time on our hands this summer, make your bedroom into a place of comfort and relaxation so you’re always waking up on the right side of the bed. We spend a good chunk of our day here, so why not make it count.

Find Your Sheet Set & Duvet Set For This Summer

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